************ Contributing ************ This document summarizes how to contribute to prysm. The basic steps are: * Fork the project on GitHub * Clone your fork * Add the main repository as a remote :code:`git remote add upstream https://github.com/brandondube/prysm/prysm.git` * Most prysm development is done on the :code:`dev` branch, so work from there: .. code-block :: bash git checkout dev git pull upstream dev * Track your changes, ideally with "atomic" commits -- one commit per logical change (multiple files are OK, but if your commit crosses +/- 1000 lines, it probably should have been several commits). * When ready, push your changes to your fork on GitHub and open a Pull Request (PR). Reference any relevant issues in the body of the PR. * Open an issue on the main prysm repository with any problems or inquiries. Guidelines ========== * prysm uses `numpy style docstrings `_. All changes should include updated docstrings, or fresh docstrings for new features. * Do not include shebangs or other meta-comments at the top of files. * prysm uses unix-style line endings. Git can be configured to convert CRLF to LF for you. * PRs should update tests or introduce new tests as needed to maintain coverage and correctness. For mathematical libraries, import them from :code:`prysm.mathops`. These include: ..code-block :: python from prysm.mathops import np, special, fft, interpolate, ndimage prysm's backend can be changed at will by the user. Importing this way avoids locking the user into numpy or scipy. * If your code creates new arrays, please maintain conformance with prysm's precision options: .. code-block :: python from prysm.conf import config ary = np.arange(lower, upper, spacing, dtype=config.precision) For a list of eagerly welcomed contributions, please see the `open issues `_. Feel free to open a new issue to discuss other contributions!