Source code for prysm.fringezernike

'''A repository of fringe Zernike aberration descriptions used to model pupils of optical systems.'''
from collections import defaultdict

from .conf import config
from .pupil import Pupil
from .coordinates import make_rho_phi_grid, cart_to_polar
from .util import rms, share_fig_ax, sort_xy

from prysm import mathops as m

from prysm import _zernike as z

zernmap = {
    0: 0,
    1: 1,
    2: 2,
    3: 3,
    4: 4,
    5: 5,
    6: 6,
    7: 7,
    8: 8,
    9: 9,
    10: 10,
    11: 11,
    12: 12,
    13: 13,
    14: 14,
    15: 15,
    16: 16,
    17: 17,
    18: 18,
    19: 19,
    20: 20,
    21: 21,
    22: 22,
    23: 23,
    24: 24,
    25: 25,
    26: 26,
    27: 27,
    28: 28,
    29: 29,
    30: 30,
    31: 31,
    32: 32,
    33: 33,
    34: 34,
    35: 35,
    36: 36,
    37: 37,
    38: 38,
    39: 39,
    40: 40,
    41: 41,
    42: 42,
    43: 43,
    44: 44,
    45: 45,
    46: 46,
    47: 47,
    48: 48,

def fzname(idx, base=1):
    """Return the name of a Fringe Zernike with the given index and base."""
    return z.zernikes[zernmap[idx-base]].name

def fzset_to_magnitude_angle(coefs):
    """Convert Fringe Zernike polynomial set to a magnitude and phase representation."""

    def mkary():  # default for defaultdict
        return m.zeros(2)

    # make a list of names to go with the coefficients
    names = [fzname(i, base=0) for i in range(len(coefs))]
    combinations = defaultdict(mkary)

    # for each name and coefficient, make a len 2 array.  Put the Y or 0 degree values in the first slot
    for coef, name in zip(coefs, names):
        if name.endswith(('X', 'Y', '°')):
            newname = ' '.join(name.split(' ')[:-1])
            if name.endswith('Y'):
                combinations[newname][0] = coef
            elif name.endswith('X'):
                combinations[newname][1] = coef
            elif name[-2] == '5':  # 45 degree case
                combinations[newname][1] = coef
                combinations[newname][0] = coef
            combinations[name][0] = coef

    # print(combinations)
    # now go over the combinations and compute the L2 norms and angles
    for name in combinations:
        ovals = combinations[name]
        magnitude = m.sqrt((ovals**2).sum())
        phase = m.degrees(m.arctan2(*ovals))
        values = (magnitude, phase)
        combinations[name] = values

    return dict(combinations)  # cast to regular dict for return

class FZCache(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.normed = defaultdict(dict)
        self.regular = defaultdict(dict)

    def get_zernike(self, number, norm, samples):
        if norm is True:
            target = self.normed
            target = self.regular

            zern = target[samples][number]
        except KeyError:
            rho, phi = make_rho_phi_grid(samples, aligned='y')
            func = z.zernikes[zernmap[number]]
            zern = func(rho, phi)
            if norm is True:
                zern *= func.norm

            target[samples][number] = zern.copy()

        return zern

    def __call__(self, number, norm, samples):
        return self.get_zernike(number, norm, samples)

    def clear(self, *args):
        self.normed = defaultdict(dict)
        self.regular = defaultdict(dict)

[docs]class FringeZernike(Pupil): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if args is not None: if len(args) is 0: self.coefs = m.zeros(len(zernmap), dtype=config.precision) else: self.coefs = m.asarray([*args[0]], dtype=config.precision) self.normalize = False pass_args = {} self.base = config.zernike_base try: bb = kwargs['base'] if bb > 1: raise ValueError('It violates convention to use a base greater than 1.') elif bb < 0: raise ValueError('It is nonsensical to use a negative base.') self.base = bb except KeyError: # user did not specify base pass if kwargs is not None: for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key[0].lower() == 'z': idx = int(key[1:]) # strip 'Z' from index self.coefs[idx - self.base] = value elif key in ('norm'): self.normalize = True elif key.lower() == 'base': self.base = value else: pass_args[key] = value super().__init__(**pass_args)
[docs] def build(self): '''Uses the wavefront coefficients stored in this class instance to build a wavefront model. Returns ------- self.phase : `numpy.ndarray` arrays containing the phase associated with the pupil self.fcn : `numpy.ndarray` array containing the wavefunction of the pupil plane ''' # build a coordinate system over which to evaluate this function self.phase = m.zeros((self.samples, self.samples), dtype=config.precision) for term, coef in enumerate(self.coefs): # short circuit for speed if coef == 0: continue self.phase += coef * zcache(term, self.normalize, self.samples) return self
@property def magnitudes(self): """Returns the magnitude and angles of the zernike components in this wavefront.""" return fzset_to_magnitude_angle(self.coefs)
[docs] def barplot(self, orientation='h', buffer=1, zorder=3, fig=None, ax=None): """Creates a barplot of coefficients and their names. Parameters ---------- orientation : `str`, {'h', 'v', 'horizontal', 'vertical'} orientation of the plot buffer : `float`, optional buffer to use around the left and right (or top and bottom) bars zorder : `int`, optional zorder of the bars. Use zorder > 3 to put bars in front of gridlines fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) coefs = m.asarray(self.coefs) idxs = m.asarray(range(len(coefs))) + self.base names = [fzname(i) for i in (idxs - self.base)] lab = f'{self.zaxis_label} [{self.phase_unit}]' lims = (idxs[0] - buffer, idxs[-1] + buffer) if orientation.lower() in ('h', 'horizontal'): vmin, vmax = coefs.min(), coefs.max() drange = vmax - vmin offset = drange * 0.01, self.coefs, zorder=zorder) plt.xticks(idxs, names, rotation=90) for i in idxs: ax.text(i, offset, str(i), ha='center') ax.set(ylabel=lab, xlim=lims) else: ax.barh(idxs, self.coefs, zorder=zorder) plt.yticks(idxs, names) for i in idxs: ax.text(0, i, str(i), ha='center') ax.set(xlabel=lab, ylim=lims) return fig, ax
[docs] def barplot_magnitudes(self, orientation='h', sort=False, buffer=1, zorder=3, fig=None, ax=None): """Create a barplot of magnitudes of coefficient pairs and their names. E.g., astigmatism will get one bar. Parameters ---------- orientation : `str`, {'h', 'v', 'horizontal', 'vertical'} orientation of the plot sort : `bool`, optional whether to sort the zernikes in descending order buffer : `float`, optional buffer to use around the left and right (or top and bottom) bars zorder : `int`, optional zorder of the bars. Use zorder > 3 to put bars in front of gridlines fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt magang = fzset_to_magnitude_angle(self.coefs) mags = [m[0] for m in magang.values()] names = magang.keys() idxs = list(range(len(names))) if sort: mags, names = sort_xy(mags, names) mags = list(reversed(mags)) names = list(reversed(names)) lab = f'{self.zaxis_label} [{self.phase_unit}]' lims = (idxs[0] - buffer, idxs[-1] + buffer) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) if orientation.lower() in ('h', 'horizontal'):, mags, zorder=zorder) plt.xticks(idxs, names, rotation=90) ax.set(ylabel=lab, xlim=lims) else: ax.barh(idxs, mags, zorder=zorder) plt.yticks(idxs, names) ax.set(xlabel=lab, ylim=lims) return fig, ax
[docs] def top_n(self, n=5): """Identify the top n terms in the wavefront. Parameters ---------- n : `int`, optional identify the top n terms. Returns ------- `list` list of tuples (magnitude, index, term) """ coefs = m.asarray(self.coefs) coefs_work = abs(coefs) oidxs = m.arange(len(coefs)) + self.base # "original indexes" idxs = m.argpartition(coefs_work, -n)[-n:] # argpartition does some magic to identify the top n (unsorted) idxs = idxs[m.argsort(coefs_work[idxs])[::-1]] # use argsort to sort them in ascending order and reverse big_terms = coefs[idxs] # finally, take the values from the big_idxs = oidxs[idxs] names = [fzname(i) for i in idxs] return list(zip(big_terms, big_idxs, names))
[docs] def barplot_topn(self, n=5, orientation='h', buffer=1, zorder=3, fig=None, ax=None): """Plot the top n terms in the wavefront. Parameters ---------- n : `int`, optional plot the top n terms. orientation : `str`, {'h', 'v', 'horizontal', 'vertical'} orientation of the plot buffer : `float`, optional buffer to use around the left and right (or top and bottom) bars zorder : `int`, optional zorder of the bars. Use zorder > 3 to put bars in front of gridlines fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt topn = self.top_n(n) magnitudes = [n[0] for n in topn] names = [n[2] for n in topn] idxs = range(len(names)) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) lab = f'{self.zaxis_label} [{self.phase_unit}]' lims = (idxs[0] - buffer, idxs[-1] + buffer) if orientation.lower() in ('h', 'horizontal'):, magnitudes, zorder=zorder) plt.xticks(idxs, names, rotation=90) ax.set(ylabel=lab, xlim=lims) else: ax.barh(idxs, magnitudes, zorder=zorder) plt.yticks(idxs, names) ax.set(xlabel=lab, ylim=lims) return fig, ax
[docs] def truncate(self, n): """Truncate the wavefront to the first n terms. Parameters ---------- n : `int` number of terms to keep. Returns ------- `self` modified FringeZernike instance. """ if n > len(self.coefs): return self else: self.coefs = self.coefs[:n] self.mask(self._mask, self.mask_target) return self
[docs] def truncate_topn(self, n): """Truncate the pupil to only the top n terms. Parameters ---------- n : `int` number of parameters to keep Returns ------- `self` modified FringeZernike instance. """ topn = self.top_n(n) new_coefs = m.zeros(len(self.coefs), dtype=config.precision) for coef in topn: mag, index, *_ = coef new_coefs[index-self.base] = mag self.coefs = new_coefs self.mask(self._mask, self.mask_target) return self
def __repr__(self): '''Pretty-print pupil description.''' if self.normalize is True: header = 'rms normalized Fringe Zernike description with:\n\t' else: header = 'Fringe Zernike description with:\n\t' strs = [] for number, (coef, func) in enumerate(zip(self.coefs, z.zernikes)): # skip 0 terms if coef == 0: continue # positive coefficient, prepend with + if m.sign(coef) == 1: _ = '+' + f'{coef:.3f}' # negative, sign comes from the value else: _ = f'{coef:.3f}' # create the name name = f'Z{number+self.base} - {}' strs.append(' '.join([_, name])) body = '\n\t'.join(strs) footer = f'\n\t{self.pv:.3f} PV, {self.rms:.3f} RMS' return f'{header}{body}{footer}'
def fit(data, x=None, y=None, rho=None, phi=None, terms=16, norm=False, residual=False, round_at=6): '''Fits a number of Zernike coefficients to provided data by minimizing the root sum square between each coefficient and the given data. The data should be uniformly sampled in an x,y grid. Parameters ---------- data : `numpy.ndarray` data to fit to. x : `numpy.ndarray`, optional x coordinates, same shape as data y : `numpy.ndarray`, optional y coordinates, same shape as data rho : `numpy.ndarray`, optional radial coordinates, same shape as data phi : `numpy.ndarray`, optional azimuthal terms : `int`, optional number of terms to fit, fits terms 0~terms norm : `bool`, optional if True, normalize coefficients to unit RMS value residual : `bool`, optional if True, return a tuple of (coefficients, residual) round_at : `int` decimal place to round values at. Returns ------- coefficients : `numpy.ndarray` an array of coefficients matching the input data. residual : `float` RMS error between the input data and the fit. Raises ------ ValueError too many terms requested. ''' if terms > len(zernmap): raise ValueError(f'number of terms must be less than {len(zernmap)}') data = data.T # transpose to mimic transpose of zernikes # precompute the valid indexes in the original data pts = m.isfinite(data) if x is None and rho is None: # set up an x/y rho/phi grid to evaluate Zernikes on rho, phi = make_rho_phi_grid(*reversed(data.shape)) rho = rho[pts].flatten() phi = phi[pts].flatten() elif rho is None: rho, phi = cart_to_polar(x, y) rho, phi = rho[pts].flatten(), phi[pts].flatten() # compute each Zernike term zernikes = [] for i in range(terms): func = z.zernikes[zernmap[i]] base_zern = func(rho, phi) if norm: base_zern *= func.norm zernikes.append(base_zern) zerns = m.asarray(zernikes).T # use least squares to compute the coefficients meas_pts = data[pts].flatten() coefs = m.lstsq(zerns, meas_pts, rcond=None)[0] if round_at is not None: coefs = coefs.round(round_at) if residual is True: components = [] for zern, coef in zip(zernikes, coefs): components.append(coef * zern) _fit = m.asarray(components) _fit = _fit.sum(axis=0) rmserr = rms(data[pts].flatten() - _fit) return coefs, rmserr else: return coefs zcache = FZCache() config.chbackend_observers.append(zcache.clear)