Source code for prysm.interferogram

"""tools to analyze interferometric data."""
from matplotlib import colors

from ._phase import OpticalPhase
from ._zernike import defocus
from .io import read_zygo_dat, read_zygo_datx
from .fttools import forward_ft_unit
from .coordinates import cart_to_polar, uniform_cart_to_polar
from .propagation import prop_pupil_plane_to_psf_plane
from .util import share_fig_ax

from prysm import mathops as m

[docs]class Interferogram(OpticalPhase): """Class containing logic and data for working with interferometric data.""" def __init__(self, phase, intensity=None, x=None, y=None, scale='px', phase_unit='nm', meta=None): if x is None: # assume x, y given together x = m.arange(phase.shape[1]) y = m.arange(phase.shape[0]) scale = 'px' self.lateral_res = 1 super().__init__(unit_x=x, unit_y=y, phase=phase, wavelength=meta.get('wavelength'), phase_unit=phase_unit, spatial_unit='m' if scale == 'px' else scale) self.xaxis_label = 'X' self.yaxis_label = 'Y' self.zaxis_label = 'Height' self.intensity = intensity self.meta = meta if scale != 'px': self.change_spatial_unit(to=scale, inplace=True) @property def dropout_percentage(self): """Percentage of pixels in the data that are invalid (NaN).""" return m.count_nonzero(~m.isfinite(self.phase)) / self.phase.size * 100
[docs] def fill(self, _with=0): """Fill invalid (NaN) values. Parameters ---------- _with : `float`, optional value to fill with Returns ------- `Interferogram` self """ nans = ~m.isfinite(self.phase) self.phase[nans] = _with return self
[docs] def crop(self): """Crop data to rectangle bounding non-NaN region.""" nans = m.isfinite(self.phase) nancols = m.any(nans, axis=0) nanrows = m.any(nans, axis=1) left, right = nanrows.argmax(), nanrows[::-1].argmax() top, bottom = nancols.argmax(), nancols[::-1].argmax() if left == right == top == bottom == 0: return self self.phase = self.phase[left:-right, top:-bottom] self.unit_y, self.unit_x = self.unit_y[left:-right], self.unit_x[top:-bottom] self.unit_x -= self.unit_x[0] self.unit_y -= self.unit_y[0] return self
[docs] def remove_piston(self): """Remove piston from the data by subtracting the mean value.""" self.phase -= self.phase[m.isfinite(self.phase)].mean() return self
[docs] def remove_tiptilt(self): """Remove tip/tilt from the data by least squares fitting and subtracting a plane.""" plane = fit_plane(self.unit_x, self.unit_y, self.phase) self.phase -= plane return self
[docs] def remove_power(self): """Remove power from the data by least squares fitting.""" sphere = fit_sphere(self.phase) self.phase -= sphere return self
[docs] def remove_piston_tiptilt(self): """Remove piston/tip/tilt from the data, see remove_tiptilt and remove_piston.""" self.remove_piston() self.remove_tiptilt() return self
[docs] def remove_piston_tiptilt_power(self): """Remove piston/tip/tilt/power from the data.""" self.remove_piston() self.remove_piston_tiptilt() self.remove_power() return self
[docs] def mask(self, mask): """Apply a mask to the data. Parameters ---------- mask : `numpy.ndarray` masking array; expects an array of zeros (remove) and ones (keep) Returns ------- `Interferogram` self """ hitpts = mask == 0 self.phase[hitpts] = m.nan return self
[docs] def spike_clip(self, nsigma=3): """Clip points in the data that exceed a certain multiple of the standard deviation. Parameters ---------- nsigma : `float` number of standard deviations to keep Returns ------- self this Interferogram instance. """ pts_over_nsigma = abs(self.phase) > nsigma * self.std self.phase[pts_over_nsigma] = m.nan return self
[docs] def psd(self): """Power spectral density of the data., units (self.phase_unit^2)/((cy/self.spatial_unit)^2). Returns ------- unit_x : `numpy.ndarray` ordinate x frequency axis unit_y : `numpy.ndarray` ordinate y frequency axis psd : `numpy.ndarray` power spectral density """ return psd(self.phase, self.sample_spacing)
[docs] def bandlimited_rms(self, wllow=None, wlhigh=None, flow=None, fhigh=None): """Calculate the bandlimited RMS of a signal from its PSD. Parameters ---------- wllow : `float` short spatial scale wlhigh : `float` long spatial scale flow : `float` low frequency fhigh : `float` high frequency Returns ------- `float` band-limited RMS value. """ return bandlimited_rms(*self.psd(), wllow=wllow, wlhigh=wlhigh, flow=flow, fhigh=fhigh)
[docs] def psd_xy_avg(self): """Power spectral density of the data., units (self.phase_unit^2)/((cy/self.spatial_unit)^2). Returns ------- `dict` with keys x, y, avg. Each containing a tuple of (unit, psd) """ x, y, _psd = self.psd() lx, ly = len(x)//2, len(y)//2 rho, phi, _psdrp = uniform_cart_to_polar(x, y, _psd) return { 'x': (x[lx:], _psd[ly, lx:]), 'y': (y[ly:], _psd[ly:, lx]), 'avg': (rho, _psdrp.mean(axis=0)), }
[docs] def plot_psd2d(self, axlim=None, clim=(1e-9, 1e2), interp_method='lanczos', fig=None, ax=None): """Plot the two dimensional PSD. Parameters ---------- axlim : `float`, optional symmetrical axis limit power : `float`, optional inverse of power to stretch image by interp_method : `str`, optional method used to interpolate the image, passed directly to matplotlib imshow fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot """ x, y, psd = self.psd() if axlim is None: lims = (None, None) else: lims = (-axlim, axlim) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) im = ax.imshow(psd, extent=[x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]], origin='lower', cmap='Greys_r', norm=colors.LogNorm(*clim), interpolation=interp_method) ax.set(xlim=lims, xlabel=r'$\nu_x$' + f' [cy/{self.spatial_unit}]', ylim=lims, ylabel=r'$\nu_y$' + f' [cy/{self.spatial_unit}]') cb = fig.colorbar(im, label='PSD [' + self.phase_unit + r'$^2$' + f'/(cy/{self.spatial_unit})]', ax=ax, fraction=0.046, extend='both') cb.outline.set_edgecolor('k') cb.outline.set_linewidth(0.5) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_psd_xyavg(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, lw=3, xlim=None, ylim=None, fig=None, ax=None): """Plot the x, y, and average PSD on a linear x axis. Parameters ---------- a : `float`, optional a coefficient of Lorentzian PSD model plotted alongside data b : `float`, optional b coefficient of Lorentzian PSD model plotted alongside data c : `float`, optional c coefficient of Lorentzian PSD model plotted alongside data lw : `float`, optional linewidth provided directly to matplotlib xlim : `tuple`, optional len 2 tuple of low, high x axis limits ylim : `tuple`, optional len 2 tuple of low, high y axis limits fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure containing the plot ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis containing the plot """ xyavg = self.psd_xy_avg() x, px = xyavg['x'] y, py = xyavg['y'] r, pr = xyavg['avg'] fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.loglog(x, px, lw=lw, label='x', alpha=0.4) ax.loglog(y, py, lw=lw, label='y', alpha=0.4) ax.loglog(r, pr, lw=lw*1.5, label='avg') if a is not None: requirement = abc_psd(a=a, b=b, c=c, nu=r) ax.loglog(r, requirement, c='k', lw=lw*2) ax.legend(title='Orientation') ax.set(xlim=xlim, xlabel=f'Spatial Frequency [cy/{self.spatial_unit}]', ylim=ylim, ylabel=r'PSD [nm$^2$/' + f'(cy/{self.spatial_unit})$^2$]') return fig, ax
[docs] @staticmethod def from_zygo_dat(path, multi_intensity_action='first', scale='um'): """Create a new interferogram from a zygo dat file. Parameters ---------- path : path_like path to a zygo dat file multi_intensity_action : str, optional see `io.read_zygo_dat` scale : `str`, optional, {'um', 'mm'} what xy scale to label the data with, microns or mm Returns ------- `Interferogram` new Interferogram instance """ if str(path).endswith('datx'): # datx file, use datx reader zydat = read_zygo_datx(path) res = zydat['meta']['Lateral Resolution'] else: # dat file, use dat file reader zydat = read_zygo_dat(path, multi_intensity_action=multi_intensity_action) res = zydat['meta']['lateral_resolution'] # meters phase = zydat['phase'] if res == 0.0: res = 1 scale = 'px' i = Interferogram(phase=phase, intensity=zydat['intensity'], x=m.arange(phase.shape[1]) * res, y=m.arange(phase.shape[0]) * res, scale='m', meta=zydat['meta']) return i.change_spatial_unit(to=scale.lower(), inplace=True)
def fit_plane(x, y, z): xx, yy = m.meshgrid(x, y) pts = m.isfinite(z) xx_, yy_ = xx[pts].flatten(), yy[pts].flatten() flat = m.ones(xx_.shape) coefs = m.lstsq(m.stack([xx_, yy_, flat]).T, z[pts].flatten(), rcond=None)[0] plane_fit = coefs[0] * xx + coefs[1] * yy + coefs[2] return plane_fit def fit_sphere(z): x, y = m.linspace(-1, 1, z.shape[1]), m.linspace(-1, 1, z.shape[0]) xx, yy = m.meshgrid(x, y) pts = m.isfinite(z) xx_, yy_ = xx[pts].flatten(), yy[pts].flatten() rho, phi = cart_to_polar(xx_, yy_) focus = defocus(rho, phi) coefs = m.lstsq(m.stack([focus, m.ones(focus.shape)]).T, z[pts].flatten(), rcond=None)[0] rho, phi = cart_to_polar(xx, yy) sphere = defocus(rho, phi) * coefs[0] return sphere def make_window(signal, sample_spacing, which='welch'): """Generates a window function to be used in PSD analysis. Parameters ---------- signal : `numpy.ndarray` signal or phase data sample_spacing : `float` spacing of samples in the input data which : `str,` {'welch', 'hann', 'auto'}, optional which window to produce. If auto, attempts to guess the appropriate window based on the input signal Notes ----- For 2D welch, see: Power Spectral Density Specification and Analysis of Large Optical Surfaces E. Sidick, JPL Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` window array """ s = signal.shape if which is None: # attempt to guess best window ysamples = int(round(s[0] * 0.02, 0)) xsamples = int(round(s[1] * 0.02, 0)) corner1 = signal[:ysamples, :xsamples] == 0 corner2 = signal[-ysamples:, :xsamples] == 0 corner3 = signal[:ysamples, -xsamples:] == 0 corner4 = signal[-ysamples:, -xsamples:] == 0 if corner1.all() and corner2.all() and corner3.all() and corner4.all(): # four corners all "black" -- circular data, Welch window is best # looks wrong but 2D welch takes x, y while indices are y, x y = m.arange(s[1]) * sample_spacing x = m.arange(s[0]) * sample_spacing return window_2d_welch(y, x) else: # if not circular, square data; use Hanning window y = m.hanning(s[0]) x = m.hanning(s[1]) return m.outer(y, x) else: if type(which) is str: # known window type wl = which.lower() if wl == 'welch': y = m.arange(s[1]) * sample_spacing x = m.arange(s[0]) * sample_spacing return window_2d_welch(y, x) elif wl in ('hann', 'hanning'): y = m.hanning(s[0]) x = m.hanning(s[1]) return m.outer(y, x) else: raise ValueError('unknown window type') else: return which # window provided as ndarray def psd(height, sample_spacing, window=None): """Compute the power spectral density of a signal. Parameters ---------- height : `numpy.ndarray` height or phase data sample_spacing : `float` spacing of samples in the input data window : {'welch', 'hann'} or ndarray, optional Returns ------- unit_x : `numpy.ndarray` ordinate x frequency axis unit_y : `numpy.ndarray` ordinate y frequency axis psd : `numpy.ndarray` power spectral density """ window = make_window(height, sample_spacing, window) psd = prop_pupil_plane_to_psf_plane(height * window, Q=1, norm='ortho') ux = forward_ft_unit(sample_spacing, height.shape[1]) uy = forward_ft_unit(sample_spacing, height.shape[0]) psd /= (window**2).sum() # correct by "S", see GH_FFT return ux, uy, psd def bandlimited_rms(ux, uy, psd, wllow=None, wlhigh=None, flow=None, fhigh=None): """Calculate the bandlimited RMS of a signal from its PSD. Parameters ---------- ux : `numpy.ndarray` x spatial frequencies uy : `numpy.ndarray` y spatial frequencies psd : `numpy.ndarray` power spectral density wllow : `float` short spatial scale wlhigh : `float` long spatial scale flow : `float` low frequency fhigh : `float` high frequency Returns ------- `float` band-limited RMS value. """ if wllow is not None or wlhigh is not None: # spatial period given if wllow is None: flow = 0 elif wlhigh is None: fhigh = max(ux[-1], uy[-1]) else: flow, fhigh = 1 / wlhigh, 1 / wllow elif flow is not None or fhigh is not None: # spatial frequency given if flow is None: flow = 0 if fhigh is None: fhigh = max(ux[-1], uy[-1]) else: raise ValueError('must specify either period (wavelength) or frequency') ux, uy = m.meshgrid(ux, uy) r, p = cart_to_polar(ux, uy) work = psd.copy() work[r < flow] = 0 work[r > fhigh] = 0 return m.sqrt(work.sum()) def window_2d_welch(x, y, alpha=8): xx, yy = m.meshgrid(x, y) r, _ = cart_to_polar(xx, yy) rmax = m.sqrt(x.max()**2 + y.max()**2) window = 1 - abs(r/rmax)**alpha return window def abc_psd(nu, a, b, c): return a / (1 + (nu/b)**2)**(c/2)