
Detector-related simulations.

class prysm.detector.Detector(dark_current, read_noise, bias, fwc, conversion_gain, bits, exposure_time, prnu=None, dcnu=None)#

Bases: object

Basic model of a detector, no fuss.

expose(aerial_img, frames=1)#

Form an exposure of an aerial image.

  • aerial_img (numpy.ndarray) – aerial image, with units of e-/sec. Should include any QE as part of its Z scaling

  • frames (int) – number of images to expose, > 1 is functionally equivalent to calling with frames=1 in a loop, but the random values are all drawn at once which can much improve performance in GPU-based modeling.


of shape (frames, *aerial_img.shape), if frames=1 the first dim is squeezed, and output shape is same as input shape. dtype=uint8 if nbits <= 8, else uint16 for <= 16, etc not scaled to fill containers, i.e. a 12-bit image will have peak DN of 4095 in a container that can reach 65535.

has units of DN.

Return type


prysm.detector.olpf_ft(fx, fy, width_x, width_y)#

Analytic FT of an optical low-pass filter, two or four pole.

  • fx (numpy.ndarray) – x spatial frequency, in cycles per micron

  • fy (numpy.ndarray) – y spatial frequency, in cycles per micron

  • width_x (float) – x diameter of the pixel, in microns

  • width_y (float) – y diameter of the pixel, in microns


FT of the OLPF

Return type


prysm.detector.pixel_ft(fx, fy, width_x, width_y)#

Analytic FT of a rectangular pixel aperture.

  • fx (numpy.ndarray) – x spatial frequency, in cycles per micron

  • fy (numpy.ndarray) – y spatial frequency, in cycles per micron

  • width_x (float) – x diameter of the pixel, in microns

  • width_y (float) – y diameter of the pixel, in microns


FT of the pixel

Return type


prysm.detector.pixel(x, y, width_x, width_y)#

Spatial representation of a pixel.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – x coordinates

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – y coordinates

  • width_x (float) – x diameter of the pixel, in microns

  • width_y (float) – y diameter of the pixel, in microns


spatial representation of the pixel

Return type


prysm.detector.bindown(array, factor, mode='avg')#

Bin (resample) an array.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – array of values

  • factor (int or sequence of int) – binning factor. If an integer, broadcast to each axis of array, else unique factors may be used for each axis.

  • mode (str, {'avg', 'sum'}) – sum or avg, how to adjust the output signal


ndarray binned by given number of samples

Return type



For each axis of array, shape must be an integer multiple of factor.

array may be ND, a scalar factor will broadcast to all dimensions.

To bin an image cube e.g. of shape (3, m, n), use bindown(img, [1, factor, factor])


ValueError – invalid mode

prysm.detector.tile(array, factor, scaling='sum')#

Tile (repeat) an array by factor.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – array of values

  • factor (int or sequence of int) – binning factor. If an integer, broadcast to each axis of array, else unique factors may be used for each axis.

  • scaling (str, {'avg', 'sum'}) – sum or avg, how to adjust the output signal


ndarray binned by given number of samples

Return type



This function is the adjoint operation for bindown.

It works with ND arrays, with the same rules as bindown.

In 2D, it is equivalent to array.repeat(factor, axis=0).repeat(factor, axis=1) (and is more generally equivalent for higher dimensionality, but it runs about ndim times faster (twice as fast in 2D, 3x in 3D, etc).

The return may be a view into the argument and is mutated after calling tile at the user’s risk